Friday, December 7, 2012

Getting healthy

This time of the year is always a little bitter-sweet.  I am coming up on 12 years since my last miscarriage.  So much has happened since then.  Now I take care of people who are grieving the loss of their children.  I suppose that is the gift that my son James gave to me; an understanding of what it is like to have a child die.

So how do you handle the holidays?  Be kind to yourself, eat and drink and sleep well.  Do something to remember your child by - whether it is volunteering or decorating something.  Do something together with your partner/spouse.

I am taking care of myself by getting healthy and losing weight.  I have lost 15 pounds in the last 12 weeks through changing my eating habits and doing some kind of exercise more days than not.  It makes a difference.  This is not a diet - it is a lifestyle change.  Eat more fruits and vegetables and less fast food.  Be aware of what I am putting in my mouth and how moving makes a difference.  It takes a little more thought and creativity to be able to eat better and healthy on a limited budget, but it can be done.  My husband has lost a few pounds as well.

So as we approach a new year I challenge you to think outside the box in how you would like to change your life.  I see people's lives change every day.  Be a part of the solution.

More later.

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